STEPHANIE IS RANKED #1 In an October 2022 Nashville Bar Association poll, Stephanie was highly recommended as Judge of the Fourth Circuit Court by nearly 35% of those polled—more than 15% higher than any of the other candidates. Additionally, more than 150 family law lawyers signed a letter in support of Stephanie’s appointment to the bench.
STEPHANIE IS UNIQUELY QUALIFIED. Over the past 20 years, Stephanie has participated as a litigant, lawyer, mediator, and judicial officer in family court. Stephanie understands that the family court system affects us all, but often fails to adequately represent us all. Stephanie’s unique experience makes her the most qualified candidate to transform a system that has often been inaccessible, unfair, and out-of-date into one where the needs of litigants and their families are prioritized over doing “business as usual.”
STEPHANIE IS DEDICATED. As a single mother, Stephanie worked, attended school at night and commuted between Nashville and Knoxville to obtain her law degree. In her 12 years of private practice, Stephanie represented hundreds of litigants at reduced rates, who may otherwise have been unable to afford a lawyer. More recently, Stephanie served for nearly 9 years in a judicial capacity in Fourth Circuit Court under the late Judge Philip E. Smith. For more than 15 years, she has dedicated herself to causes in the community, many of which she initiated, that support, uplift, and empower children and families.
4th Circuit Court Judge